Jens Ansų Custom Knives 

I had been looking at Jens very unique and striking knives for a long time before I finally took the plunge, mailed him and ordered my Small Sheepsfoot. I was pleasantly suprised when I got it! With the ones that came after it, my appreciation of his work has grown and I'm proud to know Jens and call him a friend!

Porcupine Dagger  A little black&white experimentation!:) One off Ansų Kitchen knife, given to my wife Lene and me by Lisa and Jens for our Anniversary....! 
My first custom folder! Ansų Rebel; Titanium framelock, RWL-34 blade and green/grey fibermascus! Fantastic work! New shot of the flipside of the Rebel

A little detail of the raw/handrubbed BG 42! Thanks so much to you both!:o)

Ansų Tukan. It looks - and is - nasty, 
but surpringly practical for all sorts of stuff!
Tukan turned tactical!
Pocket Scalpel in beadblasted RWL-34. Birthday gift from Nicolai and Jens! Thanks guys! The other side Modified Sheepsfoot! Outstanding cordrwrapped 3,5 mm. thin, insanely sharp slicer! Jens sent me this for Christmas! I love it!
Assorted titanium goodies! Little damasteel sticker, that Jens sent me as a gift! It's a beauty! Thanks bro!:-) Ansų Logo Titanium "credit card"!
Camillus CUDA CQB-1. Not really an Ansų, but seriously customized by Jens! The Other side of the CQB1 USN Version II Challenge Coin w/ANSŲ backing!
Detail shots of the CQB
