Other Knives and stuff 

Beautiful hawksbill made by Per Glerup, finished by Jens Langkniv and given to me as a gift! Thank you so much, Jens! 
Benchmade 635 Mini Skirmish designed by Neil Blackwood. Outstanding work by both BM and Neil! Not my knife, sadly!:-( S30V blade and all titanium frame  Benchmade Rescue Hook. Fantastic little tool with more uses than meets the eye!;-)
Leatherman FUSE. Excellent tool! Thanks Nico! Leatherman Juice XE6. Damn nice little EDC tool! BK&T Magnum Camp
Other people's knives!
SwampRat Safari Skinner. Just visiting for sharpening and a photoshoot! Damn nice! SwampRat Rat Tail. Also just visiting. Very nice little knife that I gotta get some day....soon! Camillus CUDA Maxx 5.5! Belonging to a freind from south of the border. A monster of a knife, but incredibly light and well balanced. Wish they were legal to own here!:o(
